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contoh kalimat poison ivy

"poison ivy" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • We don't have poison oak or poison ivy.
    Kami tidak memiliki pohon beracun ataupun bunga beracun.
  • Vertigo also resolved his grudge with Poison Ivy.
    Herakles juga mengolesi panahnya dengan darah beracun Hidra.
  • That stuff on your leg... it's poison ivy.
    Hal itu pada kaki Anda... itu adalah poison ivy.
  • He didn't have poison ivy up his ass.
    dia tidak mempunyai tumbuhan beracun di pantatnya.
  • One time he gave me a bouquet of poison ivy.
    Satu waktu, ia memberiku karangan bunga beracun.
  • I bid 50,000 dollars for Poison Ivy!
    Aku menawar 50,000 dolar untuk Poison Ivy!
  • No, Skeeter, they could get poison ivy!
    Jangan, Skeeter, mereka bisa terkena racun tanaman!
  • Definitely not our Miss Poison Ivy League.
    Pasti tidak Nona Ivy League Poison kami.
  • I'd rather roll in poison ivy,
    Aku lebih suka berada di komik Poison Ivy.
  • A little poison ivy, a few too many mosquitoes, but I just love it.
    Butuh banyak perbaikan, banyak nyamuk.
  • That's why every Poison Ivy Action Figure comes with him!
    Itulah kenapa setiap boneka Poison Ivy selalu datang padanya!
  • I didn't know it was poison ivy.
    Aku tidak tahu itu poison ivy.
  • A little poison ivy, a few too many mosquitoes, but I just love it.
    Banyak ilalangnya, nyamuk, tapi aku suka.
  • I had poison ivy all over me.
    Dan tanaman beracun ada dimana-mana.
  • It looks like you touched poison Ivy.
    Sepertinya Anda menyentuh meracuni Ivy.
  • I bet I have poison ivy.
    Kurasa aku terkena duri beracun.
  • When he was banished, he fashioned an enormous diaper out of poison ivy.
    Ketika dia dibuang, ia berdandan seperti poison Ivy.
  • Allen came into the ER with poison ivy on his rectum.
    Allen datang ke ICU dengan sebuah tumbuhan beracun di pantatnya.
  • Although, in small doses, it does cure poison ivy, insect bites.
    Tapi, dalam dosis kecil, bisa menyembuhkan racun dan gigitan serangga.
  • Well, that explains the poison Ivy.
    Itu menjelaskan tentang tanaman beracunnya.
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